Joe Bert
  • starstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstarstar


Creating awesome Toggle

Tutorial how I created the toggler widget in this portfolio website.

Have you ever seen this meme? 🤣


Here's the full video: The key contrast between UI/UX Designers and Developers is...

After watching this, I had the idea to attempt doing the UI in the video myself. Guess what, I was successful. Yay! 🎉🥳 And now I want to share it with you. 🔥

What we're going to use?

Let's Start!

  1. The toggle shape: Lets start by shaping our toggle button

    • Currently here's what we got:
    import React from "react";
    const Toggle = () => {
      return <div>Toggle</div>;
    export default Toggle;


    • Let's add basic styles:
    import React from "react";
    const Toggle = () => {
      return (
        <div className="relative rounded-full w-[90px] h-[45px] p-2 box-border border-4"></div>
    export default Toggle;


    • Add shadows
    import React from "react";
    const Toggle = () => {
      return (
        <div className="relative rounded-full w-[90px] h-[45px] p-2 box-border cursor-pointer shadow-[inset_0px_3px_3px_#100e2b61,inset_0px_-2px_3px_#e3e3e3]"></div>
    export default Toggle;


That's it! We now have the basic shape of the toggle. Now let's talk about how I see the toggle's waves...

  1. Waves:

    • In this section we have three tasks:

      1. How to make the waves itself?
      2. How to change the directions of waves?
      3. How do we change the color of the waves depending on the state of the toggle?

      Solving Task 1
      The first time I saw the meme video above, I noticed that the waves are actually circles.

      Here's how I see it: assets/blogs/images/toggle/task-1-figure-1

      Solving Task 2
      Now, how to do we change the direction of waves? As I mentioned earlier the waves are just cirles, so all we have to do is move the circles from left to right to changed its direction.

      When the state is light mode: assets/blogs/images/toggle/task-1-figure-1 When the state is Dark mode: assets/blogs/images/toggle/task-1-figure-1

      Solving Task 3
      If you watch the video above you notice that colors of the waves are changing depending on the state of the toggle.

      Figure 1: Waves are shaded with blue(s) assets/blogs/images/toggle/wave-1 Figure 2: Waves are shaded with black(s) assets/blogs/images/toggle/wave-2

      Now that we have the necessary idea.
      Let's make our hands dirty 🔥

      Coding Task 1: Creating circles

      • Create a file called Waves.jsx and import it to Toggle.jsx


      import React from "react";
      const Waves = () => {
        return (
          <div className={`absolute top-0 h-full w-[70px] flex items-center justify-center`}>
            <span className={`absolute h-[170px] w-[170px] rounded-full bg-blue-500`}></span>
            <span className={`absolute h-[140px] w-[140px] rounded-full bg-blue-400`}></span>
            <span className={`absolute h-[110px] w-[110px] rounded-full bg-blue-300`}></span>
            <span className={`absolute h-[80px] w-[80px] rounded-full bg-blue-200`}></span>
      export default Waves


      // imports...
      import Waves from "Waves.jsx";
      const Toggle = () => {
        return (
          <div className="relative rounded-full w-[90px] h-[45px] p-2 box-border cursor-pointer shadow-[inset_0px_3px_3px_#100e2b61,inset_0px_-2px_3px_#e3e3e3]">
            <Waves />
      // export...

      Now our components looks like this: assets/blogs/images/toggle/4

      As you can see the waves are blocking the main toggle container.
      Let's add overflow-hidden class to our main toggle container to hide the unnecessary part of the circles.

      // Updated Toggle.jsx
      import React from 'react'
      import Waves from './Waves'
      const Toggle = () => {
        return (
          <div className="relative rounded-full w-[90px] h-[45px] p-2 box-border cursor-pointer overflow-hidden shadow[inset_0px_3px_3px_#100e2b61,inset_0px_-2px_3px_#e3e3e3]">
            <Waves />
      export default Toggle

      Now our components looks like this: assets/blogs/images/toggle/5

      Coding task 2: Changing the direction of the waves.

      • Now that we have the waves, all we need to do is to move it from left to right(and vice versa) by adding -translate-x-1/2 or translate-x-1/2 classes.

      Let's implement it by adding mode state in our main toggle component.


      // imports...
      const Toggle = () => {
        const [mode, setMode] = React.useState("light");
        return (
            // ... other prop
            onClick={() => {
              setMode(prevMode => prevMode === "light" ? "dark" : "light")
            <Waves mode={mode} />
      // export...

      Here we added onClick function in our main container and passed the mode state in the Waves.jsx component.


        // imports...
        const Waves = ({ mode }) => {
        return (
          <div className={`
            // other classes...
            ${mode === "light" ? "-translate-x-1/2" : "translate-x-1/2"}
            // waves...
      // export...

      Here we used the mode props to determine the direction of waves.

      Now we can toggle between light and dark by clicking the toggle

      Coding Task 3: Changing the color of the waves. Now that we have the mode state we can use it to determine what should be the color of the waves.


      // imports...
      const Waves = ({ mode }) => {
        return (
          <div //...props>
            <span className={`// other clases...
            ${mode === "light" ? "bg-blue-500" : "bg-gray-700"}`}></span>
            <span className={`// other clases...
            ${mode === "light" ? "bg-blue-400" : "bg-gray-700"}`}></span>
            <span className={`// other clases...
            ${mode === "light" ? "bg-blue-300" : "bg-gray-600"}`}></span>
            <span className={`// other clases...
            ${mode === "light" ? "bg-blue-200" : "bg-gray-500"}`}></span>
      // export...

      Here we change the shades of the waves from blue to black depending on the value of the mode.

      light mode: assets/blogs/images/toggle/5

      Dark mode: assets/blogs/images/toggle/6

      Current Toggle.jsx

      import React from 'react'
      import Waves from './Waves'
      const Toggle = () => {
      const [mode, setMode] = React.useState("light");
      return (
          <div className="relative rounded-full w-[90px] h-[45px] p-2 box-border cursor-pointer overflow-hidden shadow-[inset_0px_3px_3px_#100e2b61,inset_0px_-2px_3px_#e3e3e3]"
            onClick={() => {
              setMode(prevMode => prevMode === "light" ? "dark" : "light")
            <Waves mode={mode} />
      export default Toggle

      Current Waves.jsx

      import React from "react";
      const Waves = ({ mode }) => {
        return (
          <div className={`absolute top-0 h-full w-[70px] flex items-center justify-center z-negative ${mode === "light" ? "-translate-x-1/2" : "translate-x-1/2"}`}>
            <span className={`absolute h-full w-[170px] rounded-full ${mode === "light" ? "bg-blue-500" : "bg-gray-700"}`}></span>
            <span className={`absolute h-full w-[140px] rounded-full ${mode === "light" ? "bg-blue-400" : "bg-gray-700"}`}></span>
            <span className={`absolute h-full w-[110px] rounded-full ${mode === "light" ? "bg-blue-300" : "bg-gray-600"}`}></span>
            <span className={`absolute h-full w-[80px] rounded-full ${mode === "light" ? "bg-blue-200" : "bg-gray-500"}`}></span>
      export default Waves
  2. Sun and moon: Now lets take a look at these bad boys (sun and moon)

    • In this section we split our task into three

      1. Designing sun and moon.
      2. How to hide the moon inside the sun?
      3. How to position sun/moon?

      Solving Task 1 Now lets create a Sun.jsx and Moon.jsx files and import it to the main toggle container.


      import React from 'react'
      const Sun = () => {
        return (
      export default Sun


      import React from 'react'
      const Moon = () => {
        return (
      export default Moon


      // other imports...
      import Sun from './Sun';
      import Moon from './Moon';
      const Toggle = () => {
        // states...
        return (
          <div /* other props... */ />
            <div className="relative top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 rounded-full h-full w-[30px] overflow-hidden shadow-[3px_5px_7px_-4px_#000000eb] z-30 left-0">
              <Sun />
              <Moon />
            // other components...
      // export...

      Notice the we added a wrapper div element that holds sun and moon this is to help us to position them correctly.

      Let's start by adding the necessary classes in Sun.jsx

      import React from 'react'
      const Sun = () => {
        return (
          <span className="absolute bg-yellow-400 h-full w-full rounded-full shadow-[inset_1px_1px_1px_#ffffff94,inset_-1px_-1px_1px_#00000057]"></span>
      export default Sun

      Now our Sun.jsx is done assets/blogs/images/toggle/7

      Next, Let's build the Moon.jsx

      import React from 'react'
      const Moon = () => {
        return (
          <div className={`absolute bg-gray-200 h-full w-full rounded-full shadow-[inset_1px_1px_1px_#ffffff94,inset_-1px_-1px_1px_#00000057]`}>
          <span className="absolute left-1.5 bottom-1.5 rounded-full h-[10px] w-[10px] bg-gray-400 shadow-[inset_1px_1px_2px_#0000005c]"></span>
          <span className="absolute left-3.5 bottom-5 rounded-full h-[5px] w-[5px] bg-gray-400 shadow-[inset_1px_1px_2px_#0000005c]"></span>
          <span className="absolute left-5 bottom-2 rounded-full h-[6px] w-[6px] bg-gray-400 shadow-[inset_1px_1px_2px_#0000005c]"></span>
      export default Moon

      Here's the Moon.jsx assets/blogs/images/toggle/8

      Solving Task 2
      If you watch the meme video carefully you may see that the moon is showing from inside the sun. Like this: assets/blogs/images/toggle/9 This is simple to do actually, we just need to position the moon at the very right position: Let's add the translate-x-full class to do it.


      const Moon = () => {
        return (
          <div className={`other classes... translate-x-full`}>
          // moon spots...

      Now the moon is hidden inside the sun. Next step is to show the moon when the mode state is turned into dark.

      To do this we need to pass the mode state inside the Moon component


      const Moon = ({ mode }) => {
        return (
          <div className={`/* other classes... */
            ${mode === "light" ? "translate-x-full" : "translate-x-0"}`}
          // moon spots...

      Now we can determine whether to show moon or sun by clicking the toggle container.

      Solving Task 3
      The only thing that we're missing here is the correct position of sun/moon. To do this let's open the Toggle.jsx and change the position of wrapper div (that holds the sun/moon) depending on the mode state.


      // imports...
      const Toggle = () => {
        const [mode, setMode] = React.useState("light");
        return (
          <div /* props... */>
            <div className={`/* other classes... */
            {mode === "light" ? "" : "translate-x-[150%]"}`}>
              <Sun />
              <Moon mode={mode} />
            // other components...

      Now we're finished in this section. Here's the final code for Moon.jsx, Sun.jsx and Toggle.jsx.


      import React from 'react'
      const Sun = () => {
        return (
          <span className="absolute bg-yellow-400 h-full w-full rounded-full shadow-[inset_1px_1px_1px_#ffffff94,inset_-1px_-1px_1px_#00000057]"></span>
      export default Sun


      import React from 'react'
      const Moon = ({ mode }) => {
        return (
          <div className={`absolute bg-gray-200 h-full w-full rounded-full shadow-[inset_1px_1px_1px_#ffffff94,inset_-1px_-1px_1px_#00000057] 
          ${mode === "light" ? "translate-x-full" : "translate-x-0"}`}>
          <span className="absolute left-1.5 bottom-1.5 rounded-full h-[10px] w-[10px] bg-gray-400 shadow-[inset_1px_1px_2px_#0000005c]"></span>
          <span className="absolute left-3.5 bottom-5 rounded-full h-[5px] w-[5px] bg-gray-400 shadow-[inset_1px_1px_2px_#0000005c]"></span>
          <span className="absolute left-5 bottom-2 rounded-full h-[6px] w-[6px] bg-gray-400 shadow-[inset_1px_1px_2px_#0000005c]"></span>
      export default Moon


      import React from 'react'
      import Waves from './Waves'
      import Sun from './Sun';
      import Moon from './Moon';
      const Toggle = () => {
        const [mode, setMode] = React.useState("light");
        return (
          <div className="relative rounded-full w-[90px] h-[45px] p-2 box-border cursor-pointer overflow-hidden shadow-[inset_0px_3px_3px_#100e2b61,inset_0px_-2px_3px_#e3e3e3]"
            onClick={() => {
              setMode(prevMode => prevMode === "light" ? "dark" : "light")
            <div className={`relative top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 rounded-full h-full w-[30px] overflow-hidden shadow-[3px_5px_7px_-4px_#000000eb] z-30 left-0 ${mode === "light" ? "" : "translate-x-[150%]"}`}>
              <Sun />
              <Moon mode={mode} />
            <Waves mode={mode} />
      export default Toggle
  3. Clouds and Stars: In this section we will create the most awesome part in this component.

    • Just like the other sections above, will will divide this task into two:

      1. Creating the clouds and stars.
      2. How to position the clouds and stars?

      Solving Task 1
      If you notice, the way that clouds and stars are transitioning from each other is by moving up and down.

      Here's how I see it: assets/blogs/images/toggle/task-4-figure-1 Clouds and Stars Figure 1

      Notice that there are two different sections (top and bottom), top holds the stars and bottom holds the clouds. To hide the stars all we need to do is move the container at the top, and to hide the clouds what need to do is move the container at the bottom.

      Now that we have the idea lets apply it to the code.

      Let's create the Clouds and Stars. To do this we need to create Clouds.jsx and Stars.jsx files.

      Let's start with the Clouds.jsx

      import React from 'react'
      const Clouds = () => {
        return (
          <div className="relative h-1/2 w-full">
            <span className="absolute bg-blue-100 h-[30px] w-[30px] rounded-full -right-2"></span>
            <span className="absolute bg-blue-100 h-[20px] w-[20px] rounded-full top-4 right-3"></span>
            <span className="absolute bg-blue-100 h-[30px] w-[30px] rounded-full top-5 right-4"></span>
            <span className="absolute bg-blue-100 h-[20px] w-[20px] rounded-full top-7 right-8"></span>
            <span className="absolute bg-blue-100 h-[30px] w-[30px] rounded-full top-7 right-10"></span>
            <span className="absolute bg-blue-100 h-[20px] w-[20px] rounded-full -bottom-1 left-1"></span>
            <span className="absolute bg-slate-50 h-[30px] w-[30px] rounded-full top-2 -right-4"></span>
            <span className="absolute bg-slate-50 h-[20px] w-[20px] rounded-full top-6 right-0"></span>
            <span className="absolute bg-slate-50 h-[20px] w-[20px] rounded-full -bottom-3 right-3"></span>
            <span className="absolute bg-slate-50 h-[20px] w-[20px] rounded-full -bottom-4 right-6"></span>
            <span className="absolute bg-slate-50 h-[30px] w-[30px] rounded-full -bottom-5 right-9"></span>
            <span className="absolute bg-slate-50 h-[35px] w-[35px] rounded-full -bottom-7 left-0"></span>
      export default Clouds

      Next, Stars.jsx


      import React from 'react'
      const Stars = () => {
        return (
          <div className="relative h-1/2 w-full">
            <img className="absolute top-2 left-3.5" alt="star" src="icons8-star-24.PNG" width={8} height={8} />
            <img className="absolute top-4 left-1.5" alt="star" src="icons8-star-24.PNG" width={4} height={4} />
            <img className="absolute top-6 left-4" alt="star" src="icons8-star-24.PNG" width={3} height={3} />
            <img className="absolute bottom-2 left-3" alt="star" src="icons8-star-24.PNG" width={1} height={1} />
            <img className="absolute bottom-1 left-5" alt="star" src="icons8-star-24.PNG" width={1} height={1} />
            <img className="absolute top-3 left-8" alt="star" src="icons8-star-24.PNG" width={1} height={1} />
            <img className="absolute top-5 left-7" alt="star" src="icons8-star-24.PNG" width={1} height={1} />
            <img className="absolute bottom-2 left-8" alt="star" src="icons8-star-24.PNG" width={4} height={4} />
            <img className="absolute bottom-4 left-10" alt="star" src="icons8-star-24.PNG" width={1} height={1} />
            <img className="absolute top-3 left-10" alt="star" src="icons8-star-24.PNG" width={8} height={8} />
      export default Stars

      Solving Task 2

      Next, let's update the main toggle container.


      // imports...
      const Toggle = () => {
        const [mode, setMode] = React.useState("light");
        return (
          <div /* props */ >
            <div /* props */ >
            // sun and moon
            <div className={`absolute h-[200%] w-full left-0 -top-[100%]`}>
            // Clouds and Stars...
            // waves

      Here we added the container divs. It will help up to position the clouds and stars later.

      Next Step is to position the clouds and stars correctly depending on the mode state.


      // imports
      const Toggle = () => {
        const [mode, setMode] = React.useState("light");
        return (
          <div /* props */ >
            <div /* props */ >
              // Sun & Moon
            <div className={`absolute h-[200%] w-full left-0 -top-[100%] ${mode === "light" ? "translate-y-0" : "translate-y-1/2"}`}>
              // ...
            /* Waves */
      export default Toggle

      Next, Let's add the Stars and Clouds.


        // other imports...
        import Stars from "Stars.jsx";
        import Clouds from "Clouds.jsx";
        const Toggle = () => {
          const [mode, setMode] = React.useState("light");
          return (
            <div /* props */ >
              <div /* props */ >
                // Sun & Moon
              <div className={`absolute h-[200%] w-full left-0 -top-[100%] ${mode === "light" ? "translate-y-0" : "translate-y-1/2"}`}>
                <Stars />
                <Clouds />
              /* Waves */

      Now we can toggle the visibility of stars or clouds.

      Current Toggle.jsx

      import React from 'react'
      import Waves from './Waves'
      import Sun from './Sun';
      import Moon from './Moon';
      import Stars from './Stars';
      import Clouds from './Clouds';
      const Toggle = () => {
        const [mode, setMode] = React.useState("light");
        return (
          <div className="relative rounded-full w-[90px] h-[45px] p-2 box-border cursor-pointer overflow-hidden shadow-[inset_0px_3px_3px_#100e2b61,inset_0px_-2px_3px_#e3e3e3]"
            onClick={() => {
              setMode(prevMode => prevMode === "light" ? "dark" : "light")
            <div className={`relative top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2 rounded-full h-full w-[30px] overflow-hidden shadow-[3px_5px_7px_-4px_#000000eb] z-30 left-0 ${mode === "light" ? "" : "translate-x-[150%]"}`}>
              <Sun />
              <Moon mode={mode} />
            <div className={`absolute h-[200%] w-full left-0 -top-[100%] ${mode === "light" ? "translate-y-0" : "translate-y-1/2"}`}>
              <Stars />
              <Clouds />
            <Waves mode={mode} />
      export default Toggle

      Here's what we created so far:

      Day mode assets/blogs/images/toggle/10 Dark mode assets/blogs/images/toggle/11

  1. Transitions: Something's missing right?

    • All we need to do in this section add the necessary transition to our component. Luckily, we just need to this classes transition duration-700 ease-in-out.


    const Waves = ({ mode }) => {
      return (
        <div className={`/* other classes... */ transition duration-700 ease-in-out`}>
          // Waves...


    const Moon = ({ mode }) => {
      return (
        <div className={`/* other classes... */ transition duration-700 ease-in-out`}>
        // Spots...


    In this file we need to add those classes in two places, first in the container of the sun and moon. Next, we also need to add it to the container of stars and clouds.

    // imports...
    const Toggle = () => {
      const [mode, setMode] = React.useState("light");
      return (
        <div /* props */ >
          <div className={`/* other classes... */ transition duration-700 ease-in-out`}>
            // Sun and Moon
          <div className={`/* other classes... */ transition duration-700 ease-in-out`}>
            // Stars and Clouds
          // Waves...

    Pew! Thats it, thanks for reading.